Nachhaltigkeit Bank Burgenland


Reporting pursuant to the Austrian Banking Act (BWG)

Pursuant to § 65a of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG), banks must show on their website how they observe the provisions of §§ 5 para. 1 clause 6 to 9a, 28a para. 5 clause 1 to 5, 29, 39b, 39c, 64 para. 1 clause 18 and 19 and the annex to § 39b BWG. Bank Burgenland therefore provides the following information:

The observance of the provisions pursuant to §§ 5 para. 1 clause 6 to 9a and 28a para. 5 clause 1 to 5 is through the Supervisory Board of Bank Burgenland, which must among other things assess the composition of the management and of the Supervisory Board.

To ensure as best as possible the suitability of members of the Supervisory Board and of the Executive Board as well as of employees in key positions, the Supervisory Board has also decided on a Fit & Proper policy which, amongst others, defines the relevant criteria and the process to determine their suitability.

Furthermore, relevant external and internal trainings and further education measures are offered to all members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board and all employees in key positions, which they must attend.

The observance of the provisions according to §§ 39b including annex and 39c BWG is ensured by the Supervisory Board of Bank Burgenland, which monitors the corresponding compensation guidelines of the banking group that are used to determine and apply the compensation policy and the compensation practices.

There is no nomination or compensation committee of the Supervisory Board at Bank Burgenland (§§ 29, 39c BWG).

All financial information listed in § 64 para. 1 clause 18 and 19 BWG can be found in the consolidated annual report of HYPO-Bank Burgenland Aktiengesellschaft, available on our website for download.

Reporting pursuant to CRR

Reporting pursuant to Art. 431-455 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR) as of 31/12/2019 can be found below as a download.